London Creative Learning Hub

\ Event

Wed 19 Jun 2024 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM BST

Join a supportive & collaborative network that offers the space for critical dialogue, care, and practical knowledge exchange.

Co-creating New Conversations in Art and Social Care

Join us for an engaging and collaborative session of the Creative Learning Hub.

This session will focus on conversations that bridge the worlds of art and social care, with insights from Marijke Steedman and Sioned Pennant on the learnings from the New Town Culture and South London Gallery conference Hopeful Disruption held in March 2024.

Guest speakers:

Marijke Steedman is the Senior Curator for Culture Programmes in Barking and Dagenham Culture and Heritage Service. She founded New Town Culture in Barking and Dagenham with a vision to embed creative practice within social care services. Before this she was a curator of community and learning-based practices at Whitechapel Gallery, Tate, Create London. She edited the book Gallery as Community: Art, Education and Politics.

Sioned Pennant is the Curator for New Town Culture in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, a curatorial programme commissioning creative practice in the systems and spaces of social care practice. Previously she was Assistant Curator for the Early Years and Families programme at Tate London and has worked on education and community programmes at the Royal Academy, Gasworks Gallery, Refugee Youth, Counterpoint Arts, Southbank Centre and Mostyn.


The Creative Learning Hub is a pilot network and part of CVAN London’s Education programme.

We are working towards and campaign for inclusive and equitable arts education, and the promotion of lifelong cultural learning opportunities for all.

From early years, compulsory and higher education, gallery and museum creative learning, through to professional development and leadership via informal and non-traditional programmes, we support diverse and expanded ways to access and engage with the arts.

The education programme is underpinned by the Anti-Racist and Equitable Visual Arts (AREVA) programme.

Stay in touch with CVAN London

Co-Creating New Conversations In Art & Social Care | Creative Learning Hub